公開日 2025年1月26日 最終更新日 2025年1月26日
40個以上ご注文の際はお手数ですが、スタッフまでお声がけ下さい。 一部の高価格帯の御濃茶用などは在庫が揃わず数量の用意ができない場合があります。新茶シーズンまでに完売となる銘柄も出てくると思われますのであらかじめご了承くださいませ。
We would like to inform you about the purchase of Matcha green tea.
We have received a large number of orders this year due to the growing demand for matcha, but as of January 25, each customer will be limited to a maximum order of 40 pieces per item.
If you would like to order more than 40 pieces, please contact our staff. Please note that we may not be able to prepare quantities of some high-priced items, such as those for Koicha , due to lack of stock. Please understand that some brands will be sold out before the new tea season.